One element of a marketing strategy involves a path to gain new clients. This is essential to increase your student base and grow your yoga business. Yet many marketing strategies call for a complicated approach that decreases your energy levels or effectiveness. Instead, you can use a yoga webinar to attract ideal clients today. This article shows you the 5 simple steps to do so.

For many years, I taught in the Kinesiology department at CSU, Chico. In addition to yoga classes, I lectured about the mind-body connection. One of my favorite aspects of this process was creating new content for students. Yes, I geeked out on putting together power points that shared relevant information in fresh, exciting ways. I also paired that information with engaging activities, since students learn through their eyes, ears, and body awareness.

What I didn’t realize was that all of those hours of preparation set me up for success to create a yoga webinar. Yet instead of giving presentations face-to-face, I began doing them virtually. With a slight tweak of the format and timing, I had great success teaching in this way. And you can, too!

The best part is that you’ll enlighten others with your webinars. You’ll add value to their lives from the moment they interact with you. So start using the five steps below to build trust with new clients and expand your business today.

Photo Credit: Audrey Popov


Before we dive into the meat of this article, you might be asking, “What’s a webinar?”

Well, a webinar is an online lecture, presentation or workshop. You can host these digital events on any given topic. In any case, the goal is to share your knowledge and ideas with others. When you create a yoga webinar, you build global relationships all while increasing yoga awareness.

A webinar can also be used to establish your authority as a yoga professional and attract new clients (which is exactly what we’re going to talk about today).

Still not sure that one looks like?

We have two specific webinars here at Swagtail:

A yoga webinar enlightens your students, builds trust with potential clients, and increases sales for your yoga business (all from anywhere in the world!)

Photo Credit: Diane Nicole Photography


Ideally, you want to use a yoga webinar as part of your overall strategy to build your yoga community. You want to create a step-by-path for potential and existing clients to follow. This informs others about how your business operates. And since you likely got into yoga because you wanted to make a difference in the lives of others, a yoga webinar can be one of the best resources to do this.

But teaching via webinar is only one step along this path. Here are the other steps in the webinar sales pathway that help you gain new clients, build trust with them via your knowledge and passion, and transform those individuals into paying customers.

  • Step 1: Increase awareness about your webinar
  • Step 2: Potential clients watch the webinar
  • Step 3: You connect with potential clients
  • Step 4: New clients enroll in your yoga programs
  • Step 5: Onboard new clients (in person or virtually)

Now let’s look at each of these in greater detail.

A yoga webinar enlightens your students, builds trust with potential clients, and increases sales for your yoga business (all from anywhere in the world!)


The first step of this process is to increase awareness and visibility about your yoga webinar. You can do this by creating a pop-up about the webinar on your website, or having it show as the announcement bar at the top of your site as well. You could also share it via your social media outlets.

Since you also want to attract new clients outside your current sphere of influence, you can also run ads to your webinar. When you advertise via Facebook, Google, or YouTube, you want to speak to the problem you are going to solve. You want to position yourself as a guide that can help solve the problem your ideal client is experiencing. And you want to paint a picture of what their life could look like after overcoming such a challenge.

Keep in mind that when you invite people to your webinar, you are asking people to make a micro-commitment to you. You’re asking them to give you their time–which is one of their most valuable resources. Plus, in order for them to attend the webinar, they’re giving you their email address.

In exchange for these acts of trust, you’re going to wow them with your knowledge on the webinar. Just make sure the copy (written description) you use on your website and your advertising message conveys that their investment of time and energy will be worthwhile.

Tips to Increase Awareness

  • Talk about your webinar to everyone you know. In the days leading up to your online event, it’s great to share your offer with anyone who will listen. Even if they’re not interested in the topic, they might know someone who is!
  • Put an announcement banner or pop-up on your website. You want your yoga website to be straightforward and easy to navigate. This means you also want new information about your business to stand out. Adding a banner or pop-up will do just that!
  • Ask your home studio to promote it. You can also ask other professionals in your network to do the same. Just make sure you provide them with the marketing material (like flyers and images) beforehand.
  • Be strategic with your Facebook ads. You don’t need a large budget to draw new people to your site. Amy Porterfield, host of one of the best business podcasts for yoga professionals, shows you how to get started in this episode.
  • Have an easy way to sign up for the webinar on your website. This will increase the likelihood potential clients will sign up and show up!

A yoga webinar enlightens your students, builds trust with potential clients, and increases sales for your yoga business (all from anywhere in the world!)


You’ve piqued the interest of those attending your webinar, so now in Step 2 it’s time to enlighten them.Yes, in this stage, potential clients actually watch your webinar. You get to provide them with valuable information and insights during your time together.

Your yoga webinar is a way to blend your passion for the topic with your big heart that’s ready to serve others. And by sharing relatable content, you demonstrate this generosity.

Just remember that information is the first component to make any life change. To move viewers forward into real transformation, encourage them to take specific action. Your goal is to really Inspire them to implement what they learn on your yoga webinar.

Then stay open to the reality that only some of these viewers will become clients of your yoga business right now.

Tips to Craft Amazing Yoga Webinars

  • Keep the slides short and simple. In my webinars, I often have 60-80 slides in an hour-long presentation.
  • Provide lots of images. Yes, pictures help evoke the emotion you want to share with your participants (and they often do so far more quickly than words).
  • Align the content with your yoga specialty. You have a unique set of knowledge, interests, and talents. When your yoga webinar is in alignment with these, you build trust with your audience.
  • Use high-quality audio and video equipment. The good news is that you don’t have to break the bank for a good camera or microphone. My favorites are the Blue Snowball Mic and the Logitech C922 Pro Stream Webcam.


Those who have watched your yoga webinar now have a greater level of trust with you. This means that Step 3 is all about keeping the lines of communication open with these potential clients. There are numerous ways to do this:

Create an Email Campaign

You can continue to uplift and enlighten others with an ongoing email series. These emails could contain more specific ways to implement ideas from your yoga webinar. Or, you could be planting seeds about what a positive future could look like for clients who do yoga with you.

Offer a free phone consultation

This is another great way to show that you are a real human, ready to serve and understand them on a deeper level. In these phone calls, you want to ask the questions. This means you are in control of the conversation, and you can get the information you need to see if this client is a fit for you. This type of engagement is great if you have a larger offer on the table, such as a customized program at a higher price point.

Include an Application

If you offer private yoga lessons or teach a specific yoga series, encourage people to fill out an application for these services. This is yet another way to have potential clients self-identify that they’re a good fit for your program. It’s also another way in which they get ready to really make changes in their lives. They are also inching closer to adding money into this investment.

One more thing: the questions you ask in the application process can walk them closer to the sale because they know they are in the right place and your yoga program will help get them the results they seek in their lives.

Offer a mini-session

An in person session is obviously more of a time commitment for you as a yoga professional. However, it can be a great way to watch someone’s body in person, get a feel for their energy, and know in a moment if the person will be a good fit for your services.

A yoga webinar enlightens your students, builds trust with potential clients, and increases sales for your yoga business (all from anywhere in the world!)

Photo Credit: Arsenii


Step 4 is when students enroll in your yoga offer. This is the step where a potential client converts into a paying customer. It’s also when they officially invest more of their time, money, and energy to work with you. More importantly, your new clients are ready to make changes. They are eager to be an active participant in the transformation of their lives.

You can help new clients ride this wave of positive energy by making the enrollment process into your yoga offer as simple as possible. Remember, an offer is simply the strategic way you package your product or service. A product is something tangible you sell, like a yoga mat or branded tank. The services you sell are intangible items, like your yoga teaching itself.

To enroll new students easily, include these essential ingredients on your sales page:

  • A clear description of your offer (This includes the details of your offer as well as the positive outcomes that will result from purchasing them)
  • The price structure (and include payment plans for larger ticket items).
  • An easy way to pay (Yes, simple and straightforward will help the sale go through)
  • A timeline for the program or course. (Or, include an expiration date for packages)
  • A Refund policy. (This gives peace of mind should students not be a fit for your offer)

Ideally, you share the link to this sales page during your webinar and in the communication you used in Step 3 as well.

A yoga webinar enlightens your students, builds trust with potential clients, and increases sales for your yoga business (all from anywhere in the world!)


Just like you want to onboard new yoga teachers at a studio, you also want to welcome new students into the fold of your business methodically. The exact way you do this depends on the offer for which these new clients have enrolled.

  • Did new clients sign up for your 8 week beginners series?
  • Are they now enrolled in your 6-week online yoga course?
  • Or did they purchase your private yoga sessions pack to accelerate their learning?

While the specifics of your offer may differ, a welcome email sequence can easily bring new clients up to speed with how you operate.

Purpose of a Welcome Email Sequence

You can use a series of welcome emails to confirm a client purchase. Better still, these emails can reinforce that your client has made a great decision to work with you and that they are well on their way to living their best life possible.

On a logistical note, this welcome email sequence can give detailed instructions about what your client is to do next (like book an appointment or watch a video). It’s also a great place to outline expectations when working with you.

From there, you get to deliver high-quality customer service to your students as they learn from you!

A yoga webinar enlightens your students, builds trust with potential clients, and increases sales for your yoga business (all from anywhere in the world!)

Photo Credit: Ember and Earth Photography


A yoga webinar is a strategic way to attract potential clients, build trust with them, and enhance their lives with your knowledge. Plus, webinars invite new clients into the fold of your business. This increases your influence and boosts your sales. And since you already have unique talents and passions, your next step is to craft a yoga webinar to achieve these results.

Take Action Now:

  • Download the Yoga Webinar Checklist below so that you can save time and energy in the planning process. Plus you’ll be able to attract new clients in a professional manner, too!
  • Review the elements of a marketing strategy. With these insights, you can best decide how a yoga webinar could fit into your overall plan as a teacher.
  • Make a list of your talents, passions, and knowledge. Notice where these areas overlap and look for ways you could weave these topics into a webinar, or yoga offer, for clients.

If you want a detailed program to walk you through finding your ideal client and crafting the perfect offers for them, check out our Launch your Yoga Business Course. You can benefit from this program as a part-time teacher or full-time professional alike!